Steve jobs was the most inspiring man in the world, His speech and stories give a lot of inspiration to today's youth. He is the best entrepreneur ever in the histroy. 

Steve jobs and his friends together formed the foundation of the apple company. The company started in the 1976 and after 10 years of this company 4000 more people were added to this company who worked in this company. But steve jobs had worked very hard for this apple company,He could do anything for the company. He used to come up with new ideas and take this company forward. He was very big hand in the growth of this company. Today apple company is very big mobile company of the world. Which manufactures products such as mobile and tablet, pcs, laptops and mac book air, There is a huge achievement in the field of technology. 

Steve jobs introduced us to the apple company. Apple company is the world's second largest phone manufacturing company and mobile industry. The technology of this phone is very good, which is going to be more advanced in the coming future. i Phones are very advanced and best features, and very good behind them. At today's time, people like to take apple phone is very costly and expensive. The features of the i phone are excellent and very good,  which gives us a sense of the future that we humans have reached and what we have achieved, technology like the I phone is excellent. 

Apple company branch 

In reality, steve jobs has a lot to offer to the world. That is, apple company technology. 

In today's time, steve jobs has not been with us, but his good things give us very good knowledge and good thinking ideas. His stories give us a very good idea of how to move forward in life. We should thanks steve jobs.  Who introduced us to a company like apple. Apple company which is one of the well known company in the world that makes i phones. And different electronic products.  
This company also manufactures i phones and makes different different products. Such as laptop, desktop, PCS, mac book, tablet and different different softwares.

IOS Processor 

Steve jobs introduces the IOS operating system technology found in only i phones. This holds the i phones in place and this is a brain, heart of a i phones. IOS means is a processor of I phones. This IOS operating system same as android operating system. But IOS very different to Android operating system. 

The IOS operating system, which is very advanced level today. There are advanced features inside it that make human thinking much better and intelligent. The IOS operating system only found in i phones. All the features inside it are very advanced and active technology. 

Steve jobs

Steve jobs was fired At the age of 30 from his own apple company. Then he did not give up. He worked hard for 5 years and formed a company like PIXAR animation studio and NEXT company, which is one of the most famous animation studios in the world today. His name is PIXAR animation, created by steve jobs. Has gone. Steve jobs' animation studio created the world's first computer animation movie called toy story. 

Toy story

Later, The apple company Had bought companies like PIXAR animation studio and NEXT like company. And steve jobs had rejoined his apple company due to these two companies and had joined his apple company. 
Pixar animation studio which is a known studio in the world today that makes and presents animations movies to the world. Really, this guy changed the world in his sentence with his ideas and thoughts.

Steve jobs quotes

We should learn from humans how to fight with troubles of life and how to get ahead in life, this man made an Apple company and PIXAR animation studio or NEXT company on the basis of his hard work because in today's time. The world is known as Apple company and PiXAR animation studio. Both the steve jobs companies apple company and pixar animation studio company will change the future in the future. This will increase human thinking even further and make him more intelligent brains. 

We should say thank you to a person like steve jobs. This person has given the world a companies like APPLE and PIXAR animation studio which is very useful to us today and is advancing human being.

We hope that Apple company and Pixar animation studio will come out with new technology in the coming time which will be very helpful for human and will enhance human thinking even further. This company is fastly changing the world in reality and coming human beings reach very advanced level in future. 

Watched this documentry 

Watched this video

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